Are you using any current downtime to brush up on your skills? It’s time for another round of my field-tested-and-library-worker-approved class on managing technology! Register: https://ala-apa.org/certification/courses-offered/
The primary experience is learning thorough collaboration with classmates online. In the ten years I’ve been teaching this class, students walk away with high marks for both the class content — and the experiences forged with classmates online as everyone works through the tech challenges that *don’t* change as the world churns. The six-week class begins the week of April 20 – and registration is open through April 26.
This class is part of ALA/APA’s Certified Public Library Administrator program, but open to all! The class is usually a mix of CPLA candidates, non-technical library managers, and even tech and IT managers!
Course Description: This course puts the full power of information technology into the hands of library managers and leaders. You’ll start with a clear vision and an understanding of technology policy. Next, you’ll consider the nuts and bolts of managing technology. Technology planning is next followed by technology implementation, and finally, evaluation. The course is presented in plain language with many concrete examples and exercises. Topics include: connecting your library’s goals to technological possibilities, monitoring and administrating technology budgets, assessing resources, drawing a line between efforts and impacts, evaluating those efforts and making course corrections, and understanding and using emerging technologies. You will assemble your own Technology Planning Kit, which will help you create your own library technology plan. Course tools include spreadsheet and tally sheet templates for you to download to evaluate budgets, inventory populations served and electronic services provided, inventory hardware and software, and calculate the relationship between the cost and value of a technology investment.

Register: https://ala-apa.org/certification/courses-offered/